Your time is precious, you're so busy with your classroom, your children, your home...
The last thing you have time to think about is your hands and nails. But trust me, if yours are anything like mine, they need some major love, attention, and TLC.
I have been using Sally Hansen's Cuticle Rehab for a few weeks and I can already tell a major difference in the health and overall look of my nails. I tend to have very dry skin (from washing my hands so much throughout the day). And the same goes for my ragged cuticles. Before this, they were hideous. Hideous, I tell you! I was truly embarrassed for my hands to be under the document camera - it's like a fancy microscope/projector combo only designed to magnify the disgusting-ness to my entire class. Luckily, they never mentioned how bad it was. 

What I love about this product is that it is totally portable. I've thrown one in my purse and one on my bed side table. It's a pen with a brush attached to the end of it, so I can apply it any time of day, whenever I think about it. It's not messy at all and smells wonderful. And best of all, it's moisturizing and restores the natural beauty of healthy nails and cuticles. I got mine at my local grocery store for less than $7.
I have to give my sis a little shout-out for recommending this product to me. I'm glad she did...I'm addicted!
Stay beautiful, my friends!

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